Alejandra Aguirre

Art has been present in human life scince the begining of times. Men have always had the necesity of expressing their thoughts and feelings in some way. These can be in paintings, pictures, poems, stories and many more. Scine I was litlle drawing has been a big part of my life, weather I draw for fun or to express somthing I like or feel. This is a gallery were you can find work pices done by me, in 10th and 9th grade. All of the sketches in this page are done to express things I feel or sometimes to simply draw somthing I like. All of them are important to me and have a significant meaning behind all the colors or shadings. The elements I use to draw are really simple, pencils, shading sticks, color pencils, crayons and charcol.  
9th grade
    The 9th Grade sketches are a little bit more abstract, they use more color in them, and elements like color pencils and crayons. The 9th Grade page has an explanation of some art pices I did in ninth grade explaning what they mean to me.
10th Grade
    The 10th Grade sketches are less abstarct than the 9th Grade sketches. In the 10th Grade page you can see how I have changed as an artist in the past few months to get to what i am today as an artist.